
Become a Member of the American Society of Notaries Today!
Membership and a notary commission are two different processes, therefore being an ASN member will NOT commission you as a notary. Applicants must follow the steps to become a notary as required by state law. ASN is a membership organization for notaries. We would be glad to help you become a notary in your state. If you have any questions call (850) 671-5164. We can direct you to resources for becoming a Notary in your state.

PLEASE NOTE:  ASN requires proof of notary commission for membership. You may fax a copy of your Notary commission certificate, letter, or commission card to (850) 671-5165 or email to

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Membership Information

Dues Payable: $39.00 - 1 Year NEW - ASN Membership
$62.00 - 2 Year NEW - ASN Membership
$88.00 - 3 Year NEW - ASN Membership
$110.00 - 4 Year NEW - ASN Membership
$9.95 - ASN All-States Recordbook - NEW MEMBER DISCOUNT (Includes S&H)


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Email Address Use Disclosure: We obtain email addresses in order to send online order confirmations, to send our members benefits such as our newsletter, tips and state law updates, and to let our customers know of special education, product and membership opportunities. We do NOT share or sell your email address. Emails from ASN will provide you the opportunity to opt-out of future email correspondence from us.

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P.O. Box 5707 • Tallahassee, FL 32314 • (850) 671-5164